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Handelaars Bedrijven In U Buurt

Lokale bedrijvengids

Voor professionals die regionaal een leverancier of dienst zoeken

Belocal is een b2b gerichte zoekmachine voor Belgische bedrijven die voornamelijk regionaal werken en toch via het internet meer zichtbaarheid willen.

Belocal, uw zoekmachine voor om de hoek!

Ooit was er een tijd dat we alles via boeken, diskettes of CD”s moesten opzoeken. Die tijd is al enorm lang voorbij en daar willen wij u graag in betrekken. In 2005 kwam er één van de eerste b2b-zoekmachines tot stand, genaamd Bsearch. Dit was zonder regionale of specifieke focus naast het b2b aspect. Toen kregen we de kennis om dezelfde informatie ook nog eens hoog te doen scoren in Google en Bing, en de rest is geschiedenis… Of niet?

Sinds kort is Belocal bij de Beboost familie gekomen om uw zoekresultaat naar andere bedrijven nog beter te verfijnen. U kan zelf uw voorkeuren aanpassen aan afstand, gemeente of de ranking van het bedrijf. Dit geeft als voordeel dat u snel de bedrijven te zien krijgt die voor u echt nuttig zijn.

Wat kan Belocal voor uw bedrijf betekenen?

De beste reclame is die dat zich voorstelt het moment dat je hem nodig hebt, of er letterlijk naar zoekt op Google, niet? U koopt toch ook geen wasmachine tot uw oude kapot gaat? 

Dit is waarom uw vindbaarheid in Google zo belangrijk is, zodat wanneer mensen uw diensten werkelijk nodig hebben, ze deze ook kunnen vinden. Als u dit wilt doen in de organische resultaten, of via advertenties, wij hebben alle tools en kennis om u hiermee tot dienst te staan.

Dus wat denkt u? Wij zijn maar 1 telefoontje (+32 3 281 16 60) verwijdert van u om uw website de nodige boost te geven die u nodig hebt.


Meer info

tags: Adresbestanden Van Locale Bedrijven – Alle Bedrijven In België – B2b Bedrijven Vinden – Bedrijven In U Buurt – Bedrijvengids Per Regio – 

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“Support Your Local Businesses: The Value of Shopping Locally”

As consumers, we often turn to big-name companies for our shopping needs. We´re lured in by flashy advertisements and the convenience of online shopping. But have you ever stopped to consider the impact of supporting local businesses in your community? Not only does shopping locally benefit your town or city, but it also has numerous benefits for you as a consumer. In this article, we´ll delve into the importance of supporting local businesses and how you can do your part in boosting your community´s economy.

The Power of Local Businesses

There´s something special about walking into a small, locally-owned shop. The personal touch is evident in the products they offer and the service they provide. This is because local businesses are often run by passionate entrepreneurs who take pride in what they do. They put their hearts into creating unique products and services that can´t be found anywhere else. By shopping at these establishments, you not only support their dreams, but you also help keep their passion alive.

Boosting the Local Economy

Economically speaking, supporting local businesses has a significant impact on your community. Studies have shown that for every $100 spent at a local business, $68 stays in the community. That money goes towards paying employees, purchasing supplies, and supporting other local businesses. Contrastingly, when shopping at larger corporations, only $43 stays in the community. By choosing to shop locally, you are directly contributing to the growth and success of your town or city.

Unique Products and Services

Local businesses often offer products and services that are not available at larger chain stores. This can include handmade goods, locally sourced produce, and one-of-a-kind items. By shopping at these establishments, you have the opportunity to support local artists and creators while also securing unique and special products. Plus, as a consumer, you have the chance to develop a relationship with the business owners and learn more about their craft.

Creating a Sense of Community

Local businesses are an essential part of any community. They bring people together and create a sense of place. By shopping locally, you are directly supporting your neighbors, friends, and family who run these businesses. Plus, local businesses often host events and sponsor community initiatives, further contributing to the overall well-being of the community. When you support local businesses, you are investing in your community and fostering a strong sense of belonging.

Simple Ways to Support Local Businesses

Now that we´ve established the importance of supporting local businesses, you may be wondering how you can do your part. Luckily, it´s easier than you think! Here are some simple ways you can support local businesses in your area:

  1. Shop local whenever possible: Instead of automatically turning to big-name stores for your purchases, make an effort to seek out local shops and establishments. Not only will you find unique products and services, but you´ll also be supporting your community.

  2. Spread the word: One of the best ways to support local businesses is by word-of-mouth recommendations. Share your positive experiences with your friends and family, and encourage them to shop locally as well.

  3. Engage with local businesses on social media: Many local businesses have a strong online presence, so make the effort to like, comment, and share their posts. This helps increase their visibility and attract new customers.

  4. Attend local events and markets: Many communities host local markets and events where small businesses can showcase their products. Make an effort to attend and support these events, as they are a great way to discover new businesses in your area.

  5. Buy gift cards: If you´re looking for a gift, consider purchasing a gift card from a local business. This supports the business financially and also introduces your loved ones to a new local establishment.

Let´s Band Together and Support Our Local Businesses

In conclusion, it´s essential to recognize the value of shopping locally and supporting our local businesses. By doing so, we not only contribute to the growth and success of our community, but we also have the opportunity to discover unique products and services while fostering a sense of community. So let´s make a conscious effort to support our local businesses and keep our communities thriving. Remember, every purchase you make has the power to make a difference.

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Handelaars bedrijven in u buurt
